Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Has Canadian slang Influenced English?

In an interesting article posted on wikipedia, more than half of the entire population have a knowlege of american english? But the question is, has there knowlege effected our language and slang itself? In Canada, outside of Quebec, all canadians speak english fluently. Often the only difference is in the spelling of these words: Colour or color, grey or gray, etc. Almost in all the articles that i've read, it seems more that english in america has effected canadian english than vise versa. As one canadian put it, "we have more trouble keeping up with american english, so naturally some of the terms we use would be considered out of date in america."
 So it seems that the question should be how has american english influenced canada? Lets take a look at some word differences. this will be from english to canadian: Faucet---->tap, gas----->petrol. trunk---->boot and so on. This is also interesting because i have relatives that live in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and some of the words I listed here they use in those very northern states. So maybe it can be said that the farther up you go in the USA, the more the slang of the two countries would seem to blend? This seems possible. So it seems that we have influenced canada more than its influenced us, and that if you drive north in america, the further up you go the languages seem to blend together. It is very interesting to me to see how this might play out over the years, and i will try and keep tabs on it as it keeps changing.

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